HOnest and Vulnerable Conversation with my career development coach

Karey and Gwen 2009/10 - The outfits were NOT planned



Inspired by her own journey in corporate and entrepreneurship Gwen is helping to bridge the gap of selling from a place of confidence and authenticity. Whether you have zero experience in sales or decades- it’s time to refuse masculine sales norms and lean into our feminine gifts of empathy, intuition and relationship building skills. 

Join this fluid and vulnerable conversation as I ask my personal Career Development Coach to share through her lens my journey to sales and overcoming my resistance to the mere thought of selling. Karey shares stories, insights and gives practical advice from the last 20-plus years as she helped others navigate one of the top traumas in a person's life.  

You don't want to miss: 

  • Who should be on your personal advisory board

  • Using The Birkman tool https://birkman.com/the-birkman-method

  • The difference between skills and strengths- they are not the same. 

  • Advice on how to remind yourself of the awesomeness you are

Meet Karey Johnson, my personal Career Development Coach [05:02- 08:45]

Karey has over 20 years of coaching and helping others with career transitions at all levels as well as consulting organizations through change. Most recently, she has immersed herself in the non-profit arena of fundraising for her daughter’s private Christian school.

Looking back -Lessons Learned [09:45]

  • Bridge roles are okay- stopping to re-assess to find what’s next is okay.

  • First impressions matter, how you present yourself is what people remember

  • Mindset is so important in the midst of change & crisis.

The Birkman Assessment Tool- [14:00]

Look at strengths and maps against environments and ideal opportunities to thrive. Highly recommend.

Remember you are always selling- Karey shares how my now Husband was selling!

  • Intentionally is important and needs to be authentic

  • How you make people feel from the simple gesture of a smile

Action Breeds Confidence [18:00]

2008- Housing Bust and Recession- Changed Our Lives [19:00]

  • Perception of the business world changed for me

  • I have never been impressed with titles or celebrities and this confirmed my beliefs.

  • A title means nothing to me! I care more about how you make me feel and how you treat others

Powerful and inspiring stories from 2008 [23:01]

Karey reflects on some hard days and conversations. She shares how coming from a place of help she was able to “sell” these individuals into taking the help that was being offered. Overcoming ego, pride, sexism, and huge culture shocks. Karey is amazing at meeting people where they are with the heart to want to help them succeed.

Personal Advisory Board- [29:05]

  • Surround yourself with people who can mentor, coach and advise

  • Professionals will confuse skills and strengths- they are not the same.

  • Don’t be afraid of change

  • Soft skills are translatable across most industries- you are not stuck!

Coach Tip - [31:09]

  • Keep your resume updated- Karey suggests you keep a hard copy and write down things you have accomplished with dates

  • Gwen takes a step further and recommends having a Google doc you keep open and through the year write down EVERYTHING you accomplish, I mean everything- new systems or tools learned, accolades someone gives you. Take screenshots. Document so you can go back to reference!

Selling in The Non-profit Fundraising Space [33:00]

  • Trust is everything!

  • If you don’t believe in what your selling you won’t sell.

  • WHY- The core source of all decisions- You discover the why and you can do anything!

  • Actions and words NEED to align!

Key Quotes

“Action breeds confidence”

You have to meet people where they are in the moment”- Karey Johnson

Connect With gwen

Check out my NEW website www.gritandtenacityconsulting.com

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Stay connected!

LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with friends, colleagues or fellow entrepreneurs who need the safe space and reminder that selling doesn't have to be formal or scary! It’s just coffee with your best girlfriend! It isn’t hard and the should never feel slimy! I can teach you how! You can listen to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts! 


HOw to sell more during the holidays


The Fortune’s in the follow up