huge annoucement


Hey girlfriend, I’m Gwen!

Inspired by my own journey in corporate and entrepreneurship I’m helping to bridge the gap of selling from a place of confidence and authenticity. Whether you have zero experience in sales or decades- it’s time to refuse masculine sales norms and lean into our feminine gifts of empathy, intuition and relationship building skills. 

I have a pretty big announcement and I couldn’t be more excited.  I thought this could be an opportunity to explore a bit of how and why I started the GT podcast and my Grit & Tenacity consulting business.

The 5 people you surround yourself with [01:15]

Part of my journey that has led me here, has been discovering that who I am in all my glory, the good and the bad, is actually someone that others relate to,  appreciate and surprisingly value in the business world. But beyond that, it’s a critical and core part of what I preach, so therefore I need to practice. I’m sure you have heard the expression, your like the 5 people you hang around the most.. And…. peoples opinions are like Aholes- we all got them….. right!  This has always been a delicate balance for me. I don’t know if you can relate, but sometimes others opinions, especially if it’s one thats too close to me or the ones that we may put on petal stools because of other emotional tugs in our life…can actually de-rail me, cause more harm than good in my already chaotic brain, so I choose very wisely WHO I allow to give me their opinion and also WHO I ask.   The people I ask or allow feedback from are those who love me unconditionally, are my biggest champions, don’t have a jealous bone in their body and have seen me at my best and worst yet still choose to show up for me. Those are the people who see who I am to the very core, know my heart and my intent and can help balance me when needed.

Who are your 5 people?

How I know this is something only God could of done  [05:12]

 Looking back on the last decade, I know without a doubt that this opportunity is only because God orchestrated… Let me tell you how:

In 2017 I left Mary Kay as a Sales Director and went to work for a small mom and pop marketing company as their only sales person.  As fate would have it, this is where I met Victoria. The next 4 years, Victoria and I cultivated a friendship beyond developing websites and content for the niched group we targeted. Have you EVER  met someone and thought “wow, this person is special and is going to do great things” This is how I felt about Victoria from the moment I met her and since then she has built from scratch a very successful website design company called BrandWell. Her focus is to help women show up confidently online in their business.

 Since becoming an entrepreneur herself, Victoria asked me to do some sales coaching with her and then later one her team members who was transitioning into sales.  Victoria sang my praises  as each time she reported back, the positive effects of the coaching, from  increase in revenue, more confidence in sales calls.

Fast forward to early spring this year- From all her conversations with her clientele at BrandWell and her own journey, she wanted to create a way for women entrepreneurs, who likely. Like you and I  are busy with “life”- Being a mom, wife, daughter, you name it. Lets face it- we get pulled in a lot of directions everyday. She wanted to create the opportunity for women to confidently learn how  to run and scale their own businesses without having to go to business school at night or pay the outrageous tuition fees. Branding is critical to the success of any company and she truly believes in the American dream and empowering women.   Her mission is so selfless and inspiring. She understands the imposter syndrome we all can have, especially when it comes to uncharted territory like being an entrepreneur. She understands that business schools is 1. Expensive and 2. With “life” - she felt moved to create a course, where female entrepreneurs can learn from other female entrepreneurs the nuts and bolts of starting and successfully scaling a business. 

Announcement # 1 [05:53]

October 16th- you can now enroll in The Branding Business School- and guess what?

I’m one of the speakers!!! Use code GWEN to get $100 off!

Announcement # 2 [06:31]

Check out my new Confidence Accelerator launching in Q4-

This is for you IF… your not a sales person and don’t want to be… but somewhere along the way you followed the bread crumbs and it landed you here- You have a service or product that you believe in and want to learn how to share with more people. 

Key Quotes

“Follow the breadcrumbs you never know where they might lead”

Gwen Tinsley

Connect With gwen

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LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with friends, colleagues or fellow entrepreneurs who need the safe space and reminder that selling doesn't have to be formal or scary! It’s just coffee with your best girlfriend! It isn’t hard and the should never feel slimy! I can teach you how! You can listen to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts! 


