Commanders vs Dallas Jan 2023



Inspired by her own journey in corporate and entrepreneurship Gwen is helping to bridge the gap of selling from a place of confidence and authenticity. Whether you have zero experience in sales or decades- it’s time to refuse masculine sales norms and lean into our feminine gifts of empathy, intuition and relationship building skills. 

My goal is to help change your mindset around selling, build your confidence by affirming and giving the permission to lean into the person you are.  One of my biggest challenges or pet peeves with sales in corporate is often times we  are made to feel we have to be someone were not.  We are taught titles demand respect and that  their time is more valuable than ours. Well I don’t know about you, but I respect people who respect me. I’m not going to waste my time and energy fighting and begging for someone to give me their time  if they don’t signal a mutual interest and behave in a manner of showing respect.  The whole o\ if we are lucky to get even 30 seconds of someone’s time…  You better have your elevator speech ready.   To me, that feels so icky and gross.

Why are they any more important than you or me? Because they hold the purse strings?  That just doesn’t fly with me..  There are 7.8 BILLION people in the world!  1 person should never be given so much power in our lives EVER! There are 7.7 Billion more for us to talk about too! 

Selling is influencing [01:15]

Don’t take my word for it..  let my 10 year old Son show you what I mean.   Proud momma alert! , My son is a baller in sales and he doesn’t even know it.  Let me explain ..

Selling is influencing. It’s as simple as that. Think about your day today. Did you go to starbucks and get a drink?- that was a sales transaction- Did you get your kid up and out the door this morning? Guess what- that was a sales transaction- hear me out- A sales transaction is when you influence an outcome.  

We always want to attach money to this, but what about when we barter or trade? There is no money exchanged but there is a need or problem met with a solution. The example of getting your kid out the door for school-is an example of perhaps routines but you have a need or desire to have those morning run smooth and even better if it can be done without tears….  over the years I am sure you have learned all the ways to gently wake them, encourage them to get dressed, brush teeth etc. .. I’m not saying every morning is perfect, but managing to influence or persuade your child to do that is a form of selling.  Okay here’s another one- Mexican food is my favorite and I know sounds crazy but Hunter, my son, LOVES the chips and the kraft mac n cheese.  I could make that at home for him but it just hits different when eating out- Everytime I call my husband to talk about dinner and I suggest going to mexican he is either onboard or groans, likely when he groans it’s because we have had it a lot… but the point is.. We always end up going because I am influencing. Your probably wondering what that conversation looks like.. Well. something like.. 

Me: Hi honey- What do you want to do for dinner?

Hubby: I dunno

Me: Ok, we are craving mexican

Hubby: We just had that- 

Me: I know, but Hunter did great on his test today and I’m exhausted, we can meet there on your way home.

Hubby: Ok.. fine.. 

As simple as that conversation sounds…. It’s a form of selling! I was meeting everyone needs- celebrating Hunter, me not wanting to cook and making convenient for my husband- who also knew that if we didn’t go out- he was going to have to cook

My 10 year old is a Baller in sales  [05:12]

He is OBSESSESD with football- can tell you the stats of almost every player and has gotten into fantasy football with his dad.  Last week he was drawing football playbooks and taking them to school. He would come home and tweak them, ask me to make copies and I thought.. How cute..  Then he started coming home telling me Friday was the day and that he had to be at the playground right after school, that him and a few of his friends were having a draft for their football teams and he was the Quarter Back and coach  of one of them.

  I like a typical prospect I asked him questions to either get a better understanding or blow a hole through his story. For instance, well who put you in charge? How many other kids? Are the parents really going to let their kids go the park for this on a Friday? Will there be parents there? I don’t understand, what are you doing again… with frustration, he tried to explain to me what a big deal this was and that he needed to go.. Now we are tyring ot give him more freedom as he shows he can handle it so I agree and told him to be back by a certain time.  Being the mom I am… I wanted to find out for myself How big of a deal this was so I nonchalantly walked the dogs by the park— Ladies!! When I tell you I was blown away.. My jaw dropped. My kid with a few others orchestrated (without technology might I add) over 40 kids to the playground to be a part of this draft and play football! That my friends is influencing! That my friends is selling! They built excitement with others, they talked non stop about the goal of having this draft and people followed!  They were sold! 

We overcomplicate selling [05:53]

See we overcomplicate selling- It’s easy to do when we have more than a fun 10 year old football game attached to it but I’m telling you- when you are being true to yourself selling is natural and the good news is.. Your doing it everyday ….  You just didn’t realize it! 

Believe it or not,  who you are is what people are buying! 

What’s Next [06:31]

Be sure to check it out my brand new website! Also- in the show notes (below) I have a link to a form where you can ask me a question.  If you have questions about sales as a whole- maybe even a challenge you face and would like advice- submit your question and I will answer in an upcoming podcast! 

Key Quotes

“We overcomplicate selling- It’s really just influencing”

Gwen Tinsley

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Check out my NEW website

Have a question?  Ask it here and I will share in upcoming podcasts. Ask A Question

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What’s the Difference between marketing and sales


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