Meet Gwen Tinsley, Founder and CEO of Grit & Tenacity Consulting as she makes her podcast debut.
Inspired by her own journey in corporate and entrepreneurship Gwen is helping to bridge the gap of selling from a place of confidence and authenticity. Whether you have zero experience in sales or decades- it’s time to refuse masculine sales norms and lean into our feminine gifts of empathy, intuition and relationship building skills.
It dawned on me that we didn’t actually define GRIT - one thing I have learned is to never assume you're on the same page with someone at all times ever! One little misunderstood word could have you thinking and envisioning one thing and me another- The word GRIT could feel inspiring and motivating for one and defeating, obnoxious to another. So for the purpose of this podcast let me give you my definition of GRIT
Gwen’s Definition of GRIT [01:15]
G - Growth Mindset and getting outside your comfort zone. It's having the ability to be introspective, and ask the question of WHY to gain an understanding of events at a deeper level. It’s quite honestly the part where you bet on yourself and are willing to put yourself out there, willing to risk failure but are mentally prepared for the challenge. Having a growth mindset is the #1 most important component of GRIT. Your mind is a powerful place- Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Choose wisely who you spend time with."- I’m so glad you're spending time with me today!
Easy Win for Everyone [05:12]
Here is an easy win everybody can have! Did you know that if the first thing you do is make your bed in the morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day, which then gives you a sense of pride and will encourage you to do another task and by the end of the day your more likely to be more productive than on a day you didn’t start with making your bed! Try it! I did! I would be lying if I said I made my bed every morning because I don't- but when I start feeling uninspired or motivated, I go back to the basics and that is one thing that helps to change my mindset for the day.
Be Patient- It doesn’t happen overnight [05:53]
This whole concept of success and being Gritty doesn’t happen overnight but with small things each day. The choices we make and how we respond is something we all have to train for. It’s not something inherent. So if you desire more and are feeling inadequate or not equipped- know this- Grit is about sweat, not swagger, Character not charisma, and turns out passion and perseverance matter more than talent or intelligence when it comes to being successful.
Grab your Notebook [06:31]
Grab your journal and write down all the times you rose to the occasion and had to make tough decisions, take the less traveled road or got outside your comfort zone. I promise you there is a direct correlation of growth in those moments. The outcome might not of been what you wanted, but that’s not what GRIT is about- It’s about you living in your values and principles and standing your ground because you know you want and deserve more in this life- Isn't that a big part of why you started a business?
I am willing to guess status quo or mediocrity just doesn't’ speak to you like dreaming of the possibilities and knowing you are one decision away from changing your life-GRIT is a powerful persona that should be celebrated because oftentimes we associate GRIT with the rough, the valley, the bad- If we learn to recognize when we are in moment of GRIT and celebrate that moment the way our society celebrates the high moments- you will learn to look forward to the next opportunity of GRIT as a way to sharpen your skills and ensure you build this life you want to live!
I want to celebrate YOU [07:50]
Email me! In the subject line put GRIT- I’ll know you listened to this podcast, I’ll even have a little gift for you because I want to celebrate with your story! I want to know who you are the GRIT that got you here today! I want to celebrate these moments because whether you believe it or not- YOU are making a difference in others’ lives! I want to celebrate that!
Key Quotes
“Make Your Bed Every Morning”
“GRIT is about- It’s about you living in your values and principles and standing your ground because you know you want and deserve more in this life”
Gwen Tinsley
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