Meet Gwen Tinsley, Founder and CEO of Grit & Tenacity Consulting as she makes her podcast debut.

Inspired by her own journey in corporate and entrepreneurship Gwen is helping to bridge the gap of selling from a place of confidence and authenticity. Whether you have zero experience in sales or decades- it’s time to refuse masculine sales norms and lean into our feminine gifts of empathy, intuition and relationship building skills. 

Who is Gwen and why should I listen [1:25]

Hello! Nice to Meet you! 

I’m a Mom of a 10 year old boy, Wife, Daughter and Friend.Someone who has had “life” happen starting at an early age, someone who was protected her whole life, with good intention, but constantly redirected to the safe route in life and instructed to get an education and become a professional. 

I am someone who desperately sought the approval of others before ever making any big decisions on her own. Someone who has lived a life of GRIT, childhood trauma,  divorce at an early age, almost declared bankruptcy, high risk pregnancy, postpartum depression..the list goes on and on..

Someone that believes in faith and everything happens for a reason and  there is a lesson in every valley and that it is what gets us to the next top. Believing the ability to self reflect and pivot takes guts and  having a mentor or coach in your life is perhaps the most important thing. 

Now in my 40’s I am confident in who I am and dares anyone to challenge that  I am a value and principle driven person that strives everyday to show up authentically in all aspects of life, knowing that my WORD is everything. If others can't trust that, then she has nothing. 

Lastly, I’m a girl who didn’t know what she wanted to be when she grew up, so dipped my toe into the business world as a recruiter, office manager,entrepreneur, and sales professional. - The most interesting part, is she wanted nothing to do with sales, perhaps like you,  and was conditioned to think of sales as unprofessional, not stable, hard work with no moments of rest, the last thing you do if there are really no other options- you know the used carsman type! 

How sold are YOU on YOUR business  [05:14]

That may seem like a silly question to ask- I mean you were sold enough to invest your time and resources into it, spend nights and weekends, perhaps even time away from your littles - of course you're sold. But that’s not what I am REALLY asking- 

So I am going to ask the hard questions- I encourage you to really reflect on this because until you get clear on how “sold” you are will determine if you remain in some level of stuck.  So get a notebook- Here we go! 

  • When you're talking about your business to family and friends, do you avoid the conversation or give a scripted answer to quickly move off topic? 

  • Are you so clear in your mind that you genuinely believe to your toes that your business transforms lives and by others not having what you offer it’s a disservice to them? 

  • I'm guessing you're somewhere in the middle- perhaps there are days you are so convicted and others not- I’m even willing to bet there’s a correlation with how well prospecting is going and the results of sales calls. 

  • The #1 most important muscle to build in your brain is your MINDSET. Your mindset will be THE determining factor in if you succeed or fail.

Are you letting FEAR or FACT run you  [11:45]

Did you know that FEAR stands for 

  • False

  • Evidence

  • Appearing 

  • Real 

What have you started to believe that isn’t FACT? What if you were to write those down and ask yourself, is this a fact or false evidence appearing real? 

I bet you would find that it’s really not what it seems and a great starting point to refocus your mind around the things we know that are true, which will start to rebuild confidence.  

If You…

Are feeling your current sales approach isn’t effective and your relying on chance

Feel like your leaving money on the table because you aren’t sure what to say

Constantly get ghosted and don’t know why

Have hit a lull in revenue growth and want more

Aren’t sure how to track and measure your sales activities

Email me- I would love to work with you! 

Key Quotes

“The #1 most important muscle to build in your brain is your MINDSET. Your mindset will be THE determining factor in if you succeed or fail”

Gwen Tinsley

Stay connected!

LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with friends, colleagues or fellow entrepreneurs who need the safe space and permission to be themselves not only in life but in business. If you or someone you know is feeling stuck in their business or wants to grow their business but not sure how- I’m happy to help!  You can listen to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, orwherever you get your podcasts!
