Secret Sales Formula|part 2| power of curiosity and desire to help



Inspired by her own journey in corporate and entrepreneurship Gwen is helping to bridge the gap of selling from a place of confidence and authenticity. Whether you have zero experience in sales or decades- it’s time to refuse masculine sales norms and lean into our feminine gifts of empathy, intuition and relationship building skills. 

Through my B3 framework (Breaking Belief Barriers) Be sure to check it out on my website.  I show you how to have confidence through authenticity, increase revenue/sales by shifting your mindset around selling, then build repeatable sales processes that feel good to you and your prospect, which in turn will save you time, money and anti-aging cream! Ha!

You don't want to miss: 

1. My failure in Mary Kay

2. Looking back on how I know this formula is the key

Curiosity and the desire to help go hand in hand.

In my opinion, if you don’t care to help someone you stop being curious.  How many of you have had those conversations that you just want to end, you can tell the other person wants to talk, but you stop asking the questions. We have all been there!  You leave that conversation saying.. Geez- I thought they would never shut up… and just drained!  

Now let's compare to talking with your best friend over coffee as she shares her frustrations with things at home.  What do you do?

You listen and then ask questions, lots of questions.. And because you care about them, you ask the hard questions that no one else will because they are afraid of overstepping, destroying a relationship etc but because you genuinely care and want to help her solve her problem.. The questions are asked and surprisingly the response is a deepened appreciation for your friendship and you helped her uncover things she hadn’t considered before because no one was willing to challenge or ask the questions! I say surprisingly because it takes grit and tenacity to see past your own insecurities to help a friend and so many won’t go that extra mile and stop right before the breakthrough. 

One of the reasons my Mary Kay business took off too fast but then quickly died out is because if I am being honest.. I didn’t have the desire to help others…

I was only trying to help myself.   See, I viewed Mary Kay as an opportunity to have control in my life when I felt out of control. At the time I was newly married,  in corporate with no growth opportunities, and very pregnant.  I was feeling very suffocated and like I had no options. I also knew that I was meant for more and wasn’t okay with living a life of what was handed to me.  When I know I have options I feel in control.. So much so. That my license plate says options… 

 Mary Kay, was the vehicle that catapulted my confidence, skill set,and knowledge in business, selling, marketing.. And just people…  Yes, I have a masters in business, but Mary Kay taught me things about myself that you don’t learn in textbooks!  

So.. What did Mary Kay teach me? 

 That charisma and likeability will get you far.. But not all the way People’s BS meters are always on…. And usually right

  • That if I am being honest cared more about how Mary Kay was making me feel in the moment than genuinely wanting to help others… or so I thought… 

Looking back what I have been discovering over the years is that 

  • I do genuinely want to help people.. This is key…    That want to help themselves! 

  • Looking back,  I was not living in my authentic space by ”loving people to the top”. While I can appreciate what Mary Kay was trying to do there….  There is not enough love in this world to help someone who doesn’t really want to be helped. The people who don’t take accountability for their life and instead live in victim mentality.  I found myself showing up for others when they weren’t showing up for themselves. I would spend weeknights and weekends working my butt off for half-asss results because there was half-asss preparation. It honestly turned me into someone who thought they didn’t like people… 

  • Looking back, I knew what to say to make it look like I had it all figured out.. When in reality I was drowning in debt,  putting my family in financial ruins. - combined with attaching my success to what I described earlier made everything feel panicked.. For someone who wanted control, I felt so out of control.. Because I was depending on others to do what they said they were going to do in order to feed my family! 

  • Looking back, I was so caught up in trying to help myself that I lost complete focus of helping others from a place of authenticity! 

This is a hard lesson to learn. But this is how I know this sales formula works when in alignment 

Authenticity + curiosity+desire to help= confident selling!!!! 

Looking back, I took a financial hit, my marriage went through the wringer, but I can still say, Mary Kay was the best experience because…  

on the other end, my marriage is stronger than it has been- my husband and I worked together climbing out of the rut-  it strengthened my appreciation and love - this man believes in me to the core, so much so- He was willing to ride the wave of destruction I caused then roll up his sleeves to help dig us out… 

 on the other end… 

Mary Kay showed me a different way to sell- a way that I would take into my next career and use as a foundation to help a start-up grow into a multi-million dollar company.  

 On the other end, after rebuilding my confidence and taking what I learned into corporate, I realized I do LOVE helping people… I love helping people in businesses go to the next level by solving a problem. Females in particular who are inspired by their own dreams that pull them forward.   Combined with feedback from those I have coached/mentored over the years, I realized that working with female entrepreneurs to help them feel confident, empowered and in control of their sales is how I really have the desire to help and the organic natural curiosity.  

Key Quotes

“It simple- Authenticity + Curiosity + The Desire to Help = confident selling.  

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Secret Sales Formula- The power of authenticity